The E-Props Company
The E-PROPS Company
195, Route de l'Aviation
ZI Aérodrome de Sisteron
04200 VAUMEILH - France

The best way to reach our team is by email :

E-PROPS : Fixed Pitch Propellers for engines 7-50 kW dia 115 to 160 cm.
Traction / Torque Curves

✗  Hi-Tech full carbon propellers, fixed pitch
✗  The lightest propellers in the world : up to less than 420 gr for a 2-blade propeller !
✗  For gear-drive engines and electric engines from 7 to 50 kW
✗  Each model available in : 2-, 3-, 4- and 6- blades
✗  Diameters : from 115 cm to 160 cm, each 5 cm
✗  Models each 0,5° pitch
✗  It means 528 different blades geometries
✗  Tractor and pusher configurations
✗  Available in both rotation senses : CW and CCW

1 - Thrust and torque curves
2 - How to choose an E-Props fixed pitch propeller for drone ?
3 - Propellers pitch

1 - Thrust and torque curves

By clicking on the red button "CURVES" below, a PDF file will display the thrust and torque curves for each of the 528 E-Props fixed pitch propeller blade geometries.

click here to open PDF files

Please note that the reference of the propellers do not give any indication on the pitch of the E-Props propellers.
The numbers : 32 / 33 / 34 / 35 / 52 / 53 / 54 / 55 / 72 / 73 / 74 / 75 / 76 / 77... are only internal E-Props reference (ref of the molds of the blades).
We do not give information on "pitch": see why here => Propellers pitch
"T" is for Three-blade
"Q" is for Quadri-blade
"H" is for Hexa-blade
"No letter" is for a 2-blade model.

2 - How to choose an E-Props fixed pitch propeller for drone ?

Reminder :
formula power

E-Props fixed pitch propellers for electric motors

1/ If the electric motor has not already been chosen
- The mass of the drone is known, so the maximum traction required is known.
- In the E-Props catalog, there are many fixed pitch propellers that allow to obtain this max traction, but not all with the same torque requirement.

2/ If the electric motor has already been chosen
- The motor has a maximum torque (defined by the electric motor + controller + battery) and a rotation speed at which it is possible to have this maximum torque.
- So at a given point "max torque - max rpm" [i.e. = max power], we are looking for a propeller which, at this max torque and this max rpm, will give the necessary traction.
- If you need less traction, then you can choose a propeller that absorbs less torque, and in this case, the engine will consume less.

example of thrust and torque curves
here 14 different blade geometries of 115 cm diameter

3 - Propellers pitch

The power absorbed by a propeller depends from:
- its diameter
- its number of blades
- the width of its blades (chord)
- the profile of its blades
and the pitch of its blades

As soon as you change the chord and/or the profile of the blades, it becomes impossible to compare the pitches between one propeller model and another.

This is why at E-Props we do not specify a pitch value for our different models.

Moreover, what pitch should we indicate ?
- the one of the zero lift incidence ?
- that of the chord ?
- that of the lower surface ?
And also, at what radius ?

Each manufacturer has its own method.
None of them are the same.
=> therefore giving a pitch value does not allow any comparison.

English Francais
Fixed Props for engines 7-50 kW dia 115 to 160 cm
Adjustable Props for engines 50-168 kW dia 120 to 209 cm